In order to fulfill the ends described in the previous paragraph 3, the data can be forwarded onto the categories of subjects listed here below:
- banks and credit institutions;
- surveillance and control authorities and bodies and, in general, public or private subjects with relevant advertising functions;
- Revenue Registrar, Legal Authorities and police forces;
- public authorities;
- debt collection agencies;
- legal firms;
- insurance companies;
- professional firms and/or companies and/or associations of enterprises and entrepreneurs, which supply us with specific accountancy end/or fiscal services, and more generally speaking, within the relationships of assistance and consultancy;
- suppliers and Company’s commercial partners (firms and professionals) ;
- subject who carry out promotion and sale activity of products/services of the Company;
- mail delivery companies or Associations and subjects that carry out an activity of transmission, loading, transportation and communications switching with the party involved;
- acquisition, manufacturing and processing data suppliers;
- subjects who supply services for the management of the Company’s Information Systems and telecommunication nets (also including electronic mail);
- suppliers of ASP (Application Service Provider) software services;
- suppliers of Web Farm services;
- companies for the maintenance/repair of IT equipment;
- subjects who carry out a filing activity of the documentation and data entry;
- subjects who carry out a customer service activity (i.e.: call center, help desk, etc.);
- subjects who do market researches aimed at detecting the level of satisfaction of the clientele, regarding the services quality and the activity carried out by the Company;
- subjects who carry out duties of control, revision and certification of the activities created by the Company, also in the interest of the customers;
The subjects belonging to the above mentioned categories operate in complete freedom, like individual owners of the treatment or in the capacity of Supervisor or Manager nominated by the Company, whose list is constantly updated and available from the Company itself. Your personal data will also be available to the Company’s employees, who have been purposely nominated Supervisors or Managers of the treatment; such as:
- collaborators, administrators and auditors;
- people in charge of and the internal administration offices;
- people in charge of and the research and development offices;
- people in charge of and the maintenance and/or repair offices for the IT tools;
- people in charge of and valuation and provision of services offices;
- people in charge of accounts and invoicing;
- people in charge of and the offices for the marketing of goods/services;
- people in charge of and the offices for customers, clients, users and subscribers satisfaction record;
- agents and reps.
The data can also be transferred, circulated in Italy and/or in EU countries and/or in countries outside the European Union in compliance with the regulations of the Code (articles 42-45); 42-45); The data treated by the Company are not subject of diffusion.